Round 14 of the Winter cross country competition was held on Saturday 16th July at Worrigee.
In the 1km event young Lhiam Crook took the win in 6:10 whilst Evie Smart crossed 2nd in an easy time of 4:10.
In the 2km event Aidan McLaren took the points for the win in 12.48 with Macarthur Davis running in 2nd in 8:16 and Heidi McLaren placing 3rd in 16:49.
There were 17 registered runners in the 3km event with Geoff Crook crossing 1st in 15:58. Matthew Reid was 2nd in 11:59 which was the fastest time and Archie Higgins was 3rd in 12:30. Peter Dooley was hot on his heels in 4th in 12:34. Fastest female was battled out between Zoe Musson who clocked 13.32 in 7th place and Airlie Stevens who clocked 13:52 in 12th place.
Medium course line honours went to Angela Urquhart who crossed in 34:48 in front of Alex Arnold who finished in 27:57. Eva-Maria Moeller-Duhme was her usual calm and steady self in 3rd place. Gavin Dyball was 4th in 23:33 whilst Nicholas McGill was 5th with the fastest time of 18:39. Ella Dyball was 6th home but was just slightly quicker than dad Gavin, with her time of 23:11 and Hamish McLaren rounded out the field in the 2nd fastest time of 21:21.
Long course had six competitors this week and the win went to Erich Moeller-Duhme in 1:00:21. Dean Bryce took 2nd in 49:20 and Perry Strand took 3rd in 45:15. Rebecca Cooper was the sole female representative this week in 4th place in 53:43 whilst Richard Bosdyk was 5th in 59:35 and Graham Anderson was 6th in 53.57.