Nowra athletics track and field was held last Wednesday night on Valentine’s Day. Whilst numbers were down it was obvious which die-hard athletes love their athletics more than romantic dinners.
In the long jump pit the juniors performed well. Jessie Moffat jumped 3.78 metres; Alisha Mustapic 3.01 metres, Laila Hartnett 2.71 metres and Emily McLaren 2.62 metres. In the boys group Reilly Caswell jumped 3.85 metres, Toby Dyball 3.49 metres, Noah Dyball 2.21 metres and Tynan Caswell 2.19 metres.
In the high jump Paul Musgrove joined the juniors and was urged on by them with enthusiasm. With this cheer squad Paul cleared 1.45 metres. Lucas Johnson jumped 1.30 metres as did Reilly Caswell. Ella Dyball jumped 1.25 metres whilst newcomer Caitlyn Schaefer joined in and cleared 1.20 metres.
In the shot put circle Alisha Mustapic threw 4.64 metres, Emily McLaren 4.01 metres and Evie Smart’s best throw was 2.88 metres. In the boys event Cooper Barrett threw 7.71 metres whilst Reilly Caswell also threw beyond 7 metres, his best measuring 7.09 metres.
On the track Cam Musgrove won the 1km followed by Peter Dooley and Erin Smart.
In the sprints there were good performances from Hamish McLaren, Reilly Caswell, Cooper Barrett, and Brody Woods. The seniors ran the 400m with Erin Smart storming home for the win in front of Gavin Dyball followed by Lucas Johnson and Caitlin Schaefer.
There are only 2 weeks left of Summer track and field competition with the last night scheduled for Wednesday 28th February. Don’t miss out on the last of the season’s Summer athletics.
2018 NSW Junior Championships