In 2024 we introduce a new format for Summer Series.
The Walk / Run and Socialise Program is for walkers and runners of all backgrounds and experience levels. It provides a great opportunity for all members of the family to enjoy a social walk/run with an emphasis on fun. There is lots of laughter, support and encouragement provided within an open and friendly group setting.
We kick off our Walk / Run and Socialise Program on Friday October 18th.
Join us at 6.30pm for a family friendly evening.
This year we introduce some new venues and re-visit an old favourite.
We also introduce new distances.
- 2km – All venues are completely off road – Path or trail
- 5km – All venues except one are completely off road
See full program here 2024 Friday Run, Walk & Socialise Program
See full results here 2024 Walk, Run and Socialise Results
For insurance purposes, all participants must be financial members of Nowra Athletics Club.
Casual runners/walkers can participate at a cost of $5.00 per week for a maximum of three events only. After three weeks, membership is required to compete.
The Walk/ Run and Socialise Program is conducted on Friday evenings at 6:30pm.
Nowra Bridge. The Wharf – Riverview Rd, Nowra
2km – Start at the public wharf. Head west along the path towards Ferry Lane. Turn around point 1.2km. Retrace steps back to the wharf. Congratulations you’ve finished!
5km – Start at the public wharf. Head west along the path towards Ferry Lane. Turn around point 1.2km. Retrace steps past the wharf and under the Nowra Bridge. Continue to follow the path towards the sailing club. Turn around point is at the end of the path. Stay on the path turning right before the bridge to go up and over the bridge heading towards Illaroo Rd.Take first path left & follow up to golf course roundabout. This is the turnaround point. Head back retracing steps until you are off the bridge. At the T junction turn right back towards The Wharf and the finish line. Congratulations you’ve finished!
North Nowra Bypass. Bernie Reagan Oval, North Nowra
2km – Start near the rotunda. Circumnavigate the two ovals heading clockwise. That’s 1km. Another lap of the two ovals and you’ve completed the course.
5km – Start near the rotunda. Head out across the carpark and join the road leading out. Turn left when you meet West Cambewarra Rd. The turn around point is 500m down the road at the first island marked with a cone. Circle the island and retrace your steps. Join the bypass walking path just past the entrance to Bernie Reagan Oval. Follow the path for approximately 1.5 km. An arrow will indicate a right turn into the 2nd turn around point. At this turn around point retrace your steps back to the entrance of Bernie Reagan Oval. Turn left and head down the road to the finish line.
Gerroa National Park Trail
Beach Road 2km – It’s simple. Head out on the Sand Track North Trail for 1km. Turn around point is marked with a cone. Retrace your steps to the finish.
5km – Head out on the Sand Track North Trail for 2.5km out to the turn around before retracing your steps to the finish.
Greenfields Beach Vincentia
2km – Start at the Picnic Area. Head out on the track towards Hyams Beach. Turn right up Scribbly Gum Track. You now begin the ascent. Stay on the track until you reach the turn around point marked with a cone. You now begin your descent back to the finish, retracing your steps.
5 km – Start at the Picnic Area. Head out on the track towards Hyams Beach. Turn right up Scribbly Gum Track. You now begin the ascent. Stay on the track passing through a big iron gate. Keep going until the track bends right and points towards the big water tower. Follow to the top. Pass through the iron gate turning right. Turn around point is 200 metres away. You now begin your descent back to the finish, retracing your steps.
Billy Jean Park, William Bryce Rd – Tomerong
2 & 5 km – Both the courses are marked on the property. Friendly dirt trails meander through the tree studded property. With a few pinch hills included.
UOW Shoalhaven Campus – West Nowra
2 & 5km – Both courses meander through marked trails amongst a stunning bush setting. Afterwards enjoy the vista with some drinks and nibbles in the BBQ area.
The Lady Denman – Huskisson
2km – Start at the covered area near the boat building shed. Head out past the mangroves & onto a short bush trail. Turn – around point is 400 m. Head back to a right hand turn marked with an arrow. Turn right onto a gravel path and follow towards the Woollamia footpath. Turn right onto the footpath. Follow the footpath to the turn around point just before the road leading to Woollamia Boat Ramp. Return along the footpath back to the finish line . Start at the covered area near the boat building shed.
5 km – Head out past the mangroves & onto a short bush trail. Turn – around point is 400 m. Head back to a right hand turn marked with an arrow. Turn right onto a gravel path and follow towards the Woollamia footpath. Turn right onto the footpath. Follow the footpath towards Woollamia, crossing the road leading to Woollamia Boat Ramp with caution. The turn-around point is just past the caravan park. Return along the footpath back to the finish line