Nowra Athletics Club members travelled to West Dapto on Saturday 24th June for the return cross-country match against Kembla Joggers in the Mccaffrey Challenge.
It was a sunny Winter afternoon as the runners converged at the Kembla Joggers home course.
In the 1km event, the first runner home for Nowra was Emily McLaren in 9th place. Next Nowra runner was Anna Duncan in 14th place and then Elsie Procter and Micah Procter came in 20th and 21st.
In the 2km it was another McLaren who took the first Nowra finisher title with Hamish McLaren coming in 9th. Next for Nowra was Darcy Arnold in 13th place and then Isabel Cofield was 23rd.
Kembla dominated again in the 3km race with Sam Maher crossing first for Nowra in 8th position whilst Ethan Havadjia was 15th, Lou Reali was 22nd and Bethany Dobson was 23rd.
Hugh Dobson flew the flag for Nowra in the 4km taking out the win in 13.33.1 minutes. Next home was brother Alec Dobson in 8th place and Dennis Smart was then 13th. First female home for Nowra was Cristine Suffolk in 19th place in 16.41.5 minutes.
in the long course, Nowra was well represented with Matthew Lewis taking second place in 28.18.1 minutes and Brad Sawyers was third in 29.57.8 minutes. Scott Johnson was seventh to make three in the top ten for Nowra. Next best finisher was Darcy Hopkins in 16th place.
Whilst Nowra was certainly outnumbered by the home club the athletes who competed in the McCaffrey match enjoyed the afternoon run at the Kembla Joggers Cross Country Running Park and thank Kembla Joggers for their warm hospitality.
Next Saturday cross country will be at Longreach on July 1st.