Unfortunately, this year the Nowra Show annual 1km handicap race was cancelled due to the wet weather.
So, on Wednesday 26th February, the last night of Track and Field competition for the 2019/2020 season Nowra Athletics Club ran their own version of this annual spectacle. Runners lined up in order of their allocated handicap with Olivia Rabey first off the mark, starting on go!
There were plenty of hot contenders in the race including Ethan Havadjia, Andrew Havadjia, Emily McLaren, Tom Duncan, Myra Betts, Josie Sproule, Cameron Baxter, Lachlan Rabey and Scott Martin.
Young Olivia was able to maintain her lead for the entirety of the race. Myra Betts started with a 1.09 handicap and brought it home strong, making ground on Olivia but it wasn’t quite enough to get there. Olivia took out the race, followed closely by Myra Betts then Josie Sproule.
Congratulations to all competitors and thank you to everyone for their involvement in this season’s competition. It was a hugely successful season with high participation levels, plenty of laughs, many records broken, numerous individual PB’s, and an abundance of enthusiasm.
The Committee looks forward to seeing everyone at cross country which is expected to kick off on Saturday 21st March. Details of the program will be published very soon.