Age: 50 –
Occupation: Accountant
Years with Nowra Athletics Club: 8 years this time round but I was with the club as a youngster back in the 1970’s.
Why are you involved with the Club?: Like a lot of our adult members I was watching my kids and wife at cross country one day and thought I might as well join in. I soon became infected with the running bug and thoroughly enjoy both the competitive aspect and the great friendliness.
Favourite Athletic Event/Distance: The Shoalhaven King of the Mountain was my favourite event. It’s the race that inspired me to get into distance running. I’ve started to dabble in trail ultramarathons recently but the marathon, I believe, is still the pinnacle of distance running.
What is Your Most Memorable Athletic Moment in History (either you’re own or someone you admire): Rob De Castella’s marathon at the Brisbane Commonwealth Games is etched into my memory. A real never-say-die performance and the fastest marathon on Australian soil for over 30 years.
Other Sports you are involved with: I was a cyclist for most of my life until I took up running and I’ve done a couple of triathlons. Now athletics is the only sport I participate in. My kids both play soccer so I spend at bit of time with that as well.
Your Proudest Personal Sporting Achievement: Finishing my first marathon was a special moment, a great sense of achievement.
Favourite Athlete/Sporting team: Peter Sagan, Wests Tigers.
When You Were Growing Up What Did You Want To Be? Grown up. I had no idea then and I still don’t.
Most Treasured Possession/s: I don’t know if it’s right to call my family a “possession” but certainly what I treasure the most.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? Too many unvisited destinations but the lazing on a Fiji island would be a great place to start.
Favourite food: My wife’s tandoori chicken pizza.
Are you a morning or a night person? Definitely morning. A morning trail run to one of the many lookouts in the area as the sun rises is a great way to start the day.
Describe yourself in just 3 words. Quiet, competitive, procrastinator.