Age: older than I’d like to be! LOL –
Occupation: Early Childhood Teacher/Centre Manager Defence Child Care
Years with Nowra Athletics Club: about 10 years
Why are you involved with the Club? Initially I became involved because of my son’s interest in running and athletics but then I got ‘sucked in’ to the sport and Club; deciding to ‘have a go’ myself. I’ve stayed involved because of my enjoyment of running and athletics and for the social aspect – the Club has a friendly, welcoming fun vibe.
Favourite Athletic Event/Distance: While I’m not really a sprinter I I love the feeling of sprinting (and it’s over quickly!). Other than that, I just like ‘plodding’ 3km in cross country.
What is Your Most Memorable Athletic Moment in History (either your own or someone you admire): Cathy Freeman winning the 400m at the 2000 Olympics.
Other Sports you are involved with: I play touch footy each Friday night
Your Proudest Personal Sporting Achievement: When I won female player of the series and my Dad won male player of the series in the same touch footy season.
Favourite Athlete/Sporting team: Anyone who knows me well, knows I’m a mad NRL Bulldogs fan!
When You Were Growing Up What Did You Want to Be? A journalist or a teacher
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? Take me back to beautiful Hawaii for sun and cocktails
Favourite food: CHOCOLATE!
Are you a morning or a night person? Night
Describe yourself in just 3 words: I’m a chocoholic