Seems that there were plenty of Nowra Athletic members who were keen to celebrate Easter by running on Saturday 31st March. Easter Saturday saw a good turn up – perhaps runners were hoping to catch a glimpse of the Easter bunny amongst the hills of Willandra or perhaps some were hoping to run off some Easter calories!
There were 9 enthusiastic runners in the 1km event with Tom Smart taking out the win. Tom was followed by Evelyn Jennings and then Mitchell Toms. Archie Halliday was fourth, then across the line in succession was Jill Quinn, Malachy Martin, Ben Michael, Aiden McLaren and Heidi McLaren.
In the 2 km race Lauren Quinn was first across the line taking the win in Division 1. Lily Sproule was second as the fastest female, clocking 9.53 and Elijah Jennings was third with the fastest male time (after handicapping) of 9.41 minutes.
Division 2 winner was William Anderson followed by Evie Smart and third was Elsi Proctor.
In the 3 km event line honours went to Owen Cox, who made his return to running after a long hiatus. Next was Hamish McLaren and third was Will Dyball. Ethan Havadjia ran the fastest crossing fifth in 12.14 minutes. The quickest female was Alisha Mustapic in 14.52 minutes in eighth place.
Division 2 was taken out by Brodie Woods followed by Luke Woods and Dylan Johnstone.
Medium course saw a good representation across three divisions. First across the line was Jasper Arnold. Lachlan Kaszonyi ran in second and training partner Cooper Thomson was close on his heels in third. Ella Dyball ran in fourth clocking the fastest female time of 19.12 minutes whilst Cam Musgrove was the fastest male, crossing in twelfth place in 15.57 minutes.
Division 2 winner was Freya Robinson-Mill followed by Angela Bond then Angela Urquhart. Rebecca Jeffrey took the win for Division 3 with Levi Wallis second and Raz Morgan third.
Long course winner was Steven McCullagh. Aimee Davenport was the quickest female running in second in 45.49 minutes and Bill Broughton crossed third. Steve Crossman ran in fifth in the fastest time of 41.39 minutes.
Meanwhile Graham Anderson took the win in Division 2 with Lisa Carroll second and Owen McKay third.
We hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter and look forward to seeing everyone at Longreach next Saturday 7th April.