Nowra Athletics Club is excited! The committee is dedicated and positive about the future directions of the Club.
The Club has experienced a successful Track and Field season with growing numbers at Wednesday night competition and a record number of records broken by devoted and developing athletes throughout the season. The eagerness each Wednesday has been fantastic with a real sense of family and community abundant. The Club recently had 39 athletes compete in individual events at the NSW Country Championships in Glendale with enormous success. Most recently the Club can boast about having three State champions after Erin Smart, Peter Dooley and Kerrie Jones all won gold medals at the NSW Masters Championships.
The Track & Field season is currently winding down, as the official Summer Athletics season calendar also draws to a close. However, Nowra Athletics Club is certainly not winding down! With Track & Field ending, it means cross country season is about to start!
Nowra Athletics Club will kick off their cross country competition on April 6th at Tomerong. This year will see a revised program utilising Tomerong and Longreach courses with some variations thrown in to mix it up. We are also excited to trial a new cross country venue later this season (details to be announced soon). This rural venue, once completed will be one of the premier cross country running venues on the south coast and the committee looks forward to sharing it with everyone.
Once again, this year in cross country there will be five distances offered at each course. The 1km, 2km, 3km, medium and long course with events kicking off at 2.30pm each Saturday.
At Timberhills the medium course is 5km and long course 10km. So, get ready, choose your distance, lace up the shoes and come running with us!
Remember cross country running is for all ages and all abilities of fitness. You run at your own pace with the emphasis on fun and personal achievements.
The Nowra Athletics Club committee would like to take this opportunity to extend a very big thank you to the McKinnon family for the continued use of their Timberhills property at Tomerong for the upcoming season. Timberhills is not only picturesque farmland and bushland, complete with friendly bullocks, it is also interesting and challenging with its variations and undulations. Furthermore, it’s perfect for an afternoon picnic under the shade of the trees after running which is exactly what we’d like to do on Week 1 of the cross country season. We encourage everyone to bring a plate of food to share and relax after running as we all catch up for the cross country season.
In addition, the committee would also like to thank the Gibb family for the use of Willandra over the past 50 years and look forward to the State Championships being held there again later in the year.
Nowra Athletics Club welcomes all new and returning runners so spread the word; invite your friends and family to come running. Join us on Saturday afternoons from April 6th for cross country running and share the comradery and fun of running.