The Husky Course provides a scenic running experience. The numbers were down this week and each distance started on Go. Once again Isaac Bacchus, James Babian and Charlie Braddick were the first 3 to cross the line in the 1k. It was good to see the Hudson brothers – Clayton and Toby, take out 1st …
NAC Athletes at the NSW All Schools Cross Country Carnival
On Friday 18 July numerous young local athletes competed at the NSW All Schools Combined High Schools and Primary Schools Sports Associations Cross Country Championships, held at Eastern Creek. The championship event showcased the enormous talent of cross country athletes from across the State from combined catholic colleges, independent schools and public schools. It was …
NAC Athletes at the NSW All Schools Cross Country CarnivalRead More
40th King of the Mountain
It was a windy morning in Cambewarra for the start of the 32km long distance running event. This year numbers were up with 168 entries received. This is testament to the unique appeal of ‘The King’ – long distance runners simply love the Shoalhaven King of the Mountain! There was a good showing of local …
Longreach 12.07.2014
Another cold and blustery afternoon greeted the brave runners who turned up for the Saturday afternoon competition. The officials (who we would be lost without) had nowhere to hide and faced an onslaught of dust throughout the afternoon. On the bright side though, Tobi Hudson made a welcome return to win the Special A’s 1k …
Timberhills – 5 July
It was cool and blustery afternoon that greeted the runners who turned up for the Club meet at Timberhills last Saturday. Numbers were down but that didn’t affect the competitiveness that runs through our Club. Timberhills always presents a great challenge with lots of intense inclines and fast downhill’s. The 1k was once again won …
Longreach – 28 June
Nowra Athletics Cross Country – Longreach 28/06/2014 What started out as a beautiful Saturday turned into a cold blustery afternoon as our members gathered at the Longreach Course at West Nowra. Numbers were down as many people took advantage of the beginning of the school holidays to explore other destinations or to sit in front …
Yesterday when people drove into the parking area they received a program which stated among other things “Welcome to Willandra 2014 Country Classic” Classic indeed would be my opinion of the day of high quality running, organisation, enthusiasm and Club spirit. It was 1990 when this Club conducted its’ first State Championship and every year …
New South Wales Cross Country Championships – 21st June
Nowra Athletics Club was host to the State Cross Country Championships on the Willandra course last Saturday and visitors and locals alike were treated to one of the best events this writer has witnessed in many years. State events have been conducted at Willandra since 1990 and the organisation, weather, and the top class running …
New South Wales Cross Country Championships – 21st JuneRead More
Hello Club members. This is my first epistle for the winter season and I believe it is timely, given the happenings that have occurred and will occur soon. Yesterday (Saturday 14th) our Club Captain Andrew Havadjia, spoke to runners to remind them that next Saturday 21st June is the Willandra Classic day which is Athletics …

Cross Country Round 10 – Willandra
This week’s cross country round was held on the demanding Willandra hills. It was a fine sunny afternoon with a good turnout, the week before Country Classic, with runners obviously taking advantage of the round to get in some last-minute training before the State Championships, to be held next weekend. In the Special A’s Clayton …
Cross Country Round 9 – Huskisson
Round 9 of the Nowra Athletics cross country point score competition was held at Huskisson on Saturday. Due to some rain earlier in the week, conditions at the start of the course were very slippery so the start line was moved further down the track. This gave some runners an unexpected surprise of a shorter …
Cross Country Relay Championships – Miranda – 31.05.2014
The 2014 NSW Cross Country Relay Championships were held at Miranda on Saturday 31st May. Although grey clouds loomed overhead, the rain held off and for once, there was no ankle turning mud to be seen on the Miranda course! Nowra fielded 20 teams with some great team results and many personal best times for …
Cross Country Relay Championships – Miranda – 31.05.2014Read More
McCaffery Challenge – Willandra – 24.05.2014
The first leg of the McCaffery Challenge played out on the picturesque hills of Willandra last Saturday. Nowra Athletics warmly welcomed Kembla Joggers and some visitors from Wollongong & IBS athletic Clubs, supplying a balmy, clear afternoon in our usual laid back style. The Course was in excellent condition and thanks must go out to …
Cross Country – Long Reach 19.04.2014
A beautiful autumn day greeted all the runners and officials at Longreach on Saturday afternoon. Each distance was well represented and many enjoyed the spring like atmosphere and the chance to burn some calories before the Easter Bunny made his deliveries. Olivia Spencer took out line honours in the Special A’s – making a welcome …
Round 7 – Huskisson- 17.05.2014
Next week Kembla Joggers will be hitting our shores at Willandra to take us on in the McCaffery Challenge. If you have club colours then please wear them and if you are interested in running 6k then you are in luck as that option is being offered for the first time this year. It will …
Round 6 – Timberhills – 10.05.2014
Saturday’s cross country run was once again held at the beautiful, but challenging Timberhills course. It was a cool afternoon, perfect conditions for a cross country run. Incorporated in Saturday’s competition was the Bill McKinnon Memorial Run. Each year Nowra Athletics dedicate a different distance and division for the Bill McKinnon trophy on the Timberhills …
Cross Country – Timberhills – 26.04.2014
The AGM is next Saturday at Illaroo Road Public School at 7pm It will only take about 20 minutes before the presentation gets underway. If you are fortunate to receive a trophy but can’t make it, please let Jan or someone on the committee know. Bring a plate to share for supper. The more members, …

Cross Country – Willandra 12.04.2014
As the rain continued to fall on Saturday, numbers were slightly down for Round 2 of the Winter cross country series, many obviously deterred by the wet weather. However Peter Dooley’s opening address on Saturday afternoon was “We run in all weather…this is perfect conditions for cross country running!” …
Cross Country – Willandra – 5.04.2014
Welcome to everyone who is returning for the Cross Country season and to all our new members. This week it was a scratch start. For those of you who don’t know better, if you had a good run and made decent time around the deceptively hard picturesque course of Willandra, then be warned, next week …

Annual General Meeting – Illaroo Rd – 3.05.2014
Saturday night was the Annual General Meeting of Nowra Athletics Club, and more importantly it was the Club’s Presentation Evening for all trophy winners from the 2013/2014 Season. It was great to see so many athletes and families braving the cold to come out and celebrate the achievements of athletes throughout the previous season. The …