It was an extremely windy afternoon on Saturday 7th July and it seems the wind may have scared some runners away from cross country. Numbers were small at Longreach but those brave enough to face the elements enjoyed the running.
In the 1km Josie Sproule was first across the line followed by Everlyn Jennings and Calin Burbadge. Aiden McLaren was fourth and Lyn Burbadge was fifth.
In the 2km Thomas Duncan was first home with Elijah Jennings second and Anna Duncan third. In Division 2 Layla Burbadge took the points for the win followed by Katie Martin (with running buddy Brad Sawyers) whilst Will Anderson was third.
The 3km runners were a rare bunch on Saturday with just two runners in Division 1. Hamish McLaren took the win in front of Cooper Barrett. The low numbers meant this runner/writer had her best finish place ever, taking third across the line and first in Division 2 but a win is a win, right? I certainly wasn’t fast or pretty out there, but I was faster than everyone still sitting at home. That’s what Nowra Athletics is all about – having a go, and running at your own pace, regardless of age or ability! Darcy Arnold was second in Division 2 and a big shout out to young Darcy for her beaming smile of encouragement on the course. This runner certainly appreciated it! Third in Division 2 was Erin Martin.
In the medium course, the winner was Darren Morris followed by Jasper Arnold and Paul Duncan. Division 2 was taken out by Geoff Crook in front of Phil Duncan whilst in Division 3 Alex Arnold took the win over Andrew Havadjia.
Battling the elements in long course Scott Johnson triumphed both the wind and the race to cross the finish line first. Scott Martin was next home followed by Steven McCullagh. Taking out Division 2 was Darrin Smith followed by Michael Duncan and Natasha Toms and Sky Martin rounded out the long course finishers.
Thank you once again to our volunteers who help out every week to ensure the event goes ahead and thank you to Lisa Carroll who certainly fought with the wind this week to cook sausages for the hungry athletes.