38 Nowra athletes competed (46 entered but 8 had to withdraw)
Athlete breakdown:
6 Male
2 Female
2 Female
17 Male
11 Female
From these 38 athletes we won:
- 20 gold medals
- 15 silver medals
- 22 bronze medals
These 38 athletes were entered over a variety of track and field events with the most entries in the 800m.
Tom Duncan
U16 2000m steeplechase 1st 7.10.20
1500m 7th 4.51.96
800m 2nd 2.11.83
Anna Duncan
U14 400m 1st heat 1.07.01 5th overall
1500m 1st 5.18.41
800m 1st 2.32.57
Darren Atkinson
50-59 years
1500m 3rd 6.14.45
800m 4th 3.00.48
Denzel Atkinson
U16 2000m steeplechase 2nd 7.21.71
400m 4th 1.01.21
1500m 9th 5.01.25
3000m 5th 10.39.49
800m 6th 2.21.60
Talea Miller
U17 discus 4th 29.39m
Sam Peace
Opens discus 2nd 40.79
Nicholas McGill
U16 2000m steeplechase 3rd 7.22.52
U15 1500m 4th 5.13.40
800m 3rd 2.30.03
Harry Thomson
U13 100m 4th 14.80
Long jump 4th 3.92m
90m hurdles 2nd 18.07
200m 5th 30.10
High jump 1st 1.40m
Liam O’Leary
U11 100m 8th 18.15
Shot 3rd 6.21m
200m 5th heat 42.14 9th overall
Long jump 6th 2.63m
Flynn O’Leary
U14 discus 3rd 16.12m
Shot 1st 6.40m
Patrick O’Leary
U15 javelin 1st 24.71m
Shot 3rd 8.25m
Discus 2nd 27.14m
Leanne O’Leary
40-49 years
Shot 2nd 7.06m
Discus 4th 17.90m
Hammer 1st 15.75m
Javelin 4th 16.53m
Mark O’Leary
50-59 years
Shot 4th 7.12m
100m 8th 14.71
Javelin 4th 23.94m
200m 8th 30.49
Discus 3rd 26.45m
Amelia May
U17 1500m 2nd 5.00.79
3000m 2nd 10.43.43
Natarsha Mandavy
U15 100m 5th heat 14.88
Triple jump 3rd 8.75m
Discus 4th 11.74m
Long jump 4th 3.95m
Shot put 3rd 6.06m
Tsar Mandavy
U18 100m 6th heat 12.95
Javelin 2nd 38.47m
Long jump 4th 6.11m
Shot 3rd 10.22m
110m hurdles DNF
High jump 1st 1.80m
Macarthur Davis
U10 shot 3rd 5.63m
200m 6th 35.17
800m 3rd 2.49.07
Long jump 5th 2.42m
Elizabeth Davis
U13 100m 6th heat 17.13
200m 5th heat 35.38
800m 6th 3.08.76
Shot 3rd 5.57m
Darcy Davis
U16 400m 3rd 1.00.30
1500m 8th 4.54.58
800m 4th 2.18.06
Jonah Watson
U16 400m 6th 1.02.54
100m 6th heat 13.25q 8th final 13.57
Long jump 4th 4.98m
100m hurdles 5th 20.43
200m 4th heat 26.89q 7th final 26.92
Matthew Watson
40-49 years
400m 5th 1.18.27
1500m 5th 7.01.78
800m 3rd 3.16.69
Rose Atkins
U14 400m 3rd heat1.10.67 9th overall
U13 100m 4th heat 15.49q 8th final 15.25
200m 4th heat 32.22q 6th final 31.86
Long jump 2nd 3.84m
Emily McLaren
U16 2000m steeplechase 1st 8.06.61 NQ
3000m 5th 11.59.00
U15 1500m 4th 5.31.17
Discus 3rd 16.94m
90m hurdles 1st 17.50
Javelin 2nd 17.91m
Hamish McLaren
U16 2000m steeplechase 5th 7.48.45
1500m 11th 5.10.29
Javelin 4th 29.41m
3000m 9th 11.15.86
100m hurdles 4th 20.15
Discus 10th 25.62m
Ruby Marshall
U17 400m 4th heat 1.08.69 9th overall
100m 7th heat 14.46
200m 5th 29.62
Javelin 2nd 19.99m
Max Marshall
U15 100m 1st 11.96
200m 1st 23.45 RECORD
Cooper Barrett
U17 800m 1st 2.07.60
Cameron Baxter
U14 400m 5th 1.07.00
1500m 3rd 5.05.55
800m 3rd 2.31.56
U16 3000m 7th 10.57.18
Oliver Baxter
U16 1500m 12th 5.23.95
3000m 8th 11.07.44
Harrison Baxter
U17 2000m steeplechase 1st 7.16.46
1500m 4th 4.54.38
3000m 2nd 10.04.83
800m 5th 2.26.89
Matthew Reid
30-39 years
100m 3rd 12.50
Javelin 1st 41.05m
200m 3rd 25.32
Isabella Mitchell
U9 long jump 2nd 2.56m
Shot 2nd 2.98m
Paul Musgrove
50-59 years
Long jump 3rd 4.65m
200m 7th 29.43
High jump 1st 1.45m
Alisha Mustapic
U16 100m 8th 14.25
90m hurdles DNF
800m 5th 2.56.43
Jade Mustapic
Opens 400m 2nd heat 1.08.51 7th overall
800m 3rd 2.52.51
Glen Mustapic
50-59 years
400m 5th 1.20.16
Long jump 5th 3.54m
800m 5th 3.02.90
Evie Smart
U13 1500m 4th 6.07.91
800m 4th 3.04.44
Erin Smart
40-49 years
400m 1st 58.87 RECORD
100m 1st 12.98
200m 1st 25.94 RECORD
800m 1st 2.23.03 RECORD