Last Saturday Nowra Athletics Club completed their maiden run on their newest course, at the Berry Riding Club in beautiful Winter sunshine.
The course challenged runners with its undulations, creek crossings and switchbacks traversing the hills. There was plenty of opportunity for runners to practice their steeplechase leaps across the creek if they dared, and for those not so nimble, (like this writer) there was occasion for tentative wading and the small likelihood of getting stuck in the mud! The views were amazing and the downhill finish was welcomed by everyone. It was certainly a true cross country course complete with friendly cows and the Committee thanks all those involved in getting the new course up and running.
In the 1km Hannah Vonk was first home followed by Aiden McLaren in second place then Eilish Debeck and Andrew Debeck were equal third.
In the 2km event Lily Sproule was first across the line in 10:33 with Samuel Vonk running in second. Cameron Baxter was third but was the fastest in 9:17 and Trae Yenne was fourth.
Division 2 was won by Ewen Debeck followed by Lincoln Witting, Scott McLaren, Noah Dyball, Heidi McLaren, Connor Bohme and Zari Banks.
The winner of the 3km was Noah Gordan in 14:01 with Brett Gordan second and Tom Duncan third. However the fastest runner was Harrison Baxter who completed the lap in 11:55. Division 2 podium finishers were Katie Martin, Jasper Leung and Alison Havadjia.
Medium course was 2 laps of the 2km course. Isabella Thornton-Bott was first home in 16:44 followed by Ella Dyball in second and Jack Hay in third. Nash Hay crossed the line in seventh place but clocked the quickest time of 16:39, just narrowly beating out Isabella’s time. Division 2 victory was claimed by Alastair Urquhart with Lucy Duncan second and Phil Duncan third. Meanwhile Megan Fitt took out Division 3 with Geoff Crook running in second; doing well, despite suffering from a Winter cold, and Angela Urquhart still smiling at the finish line, was third. Andrew Havadjia gathered great speed coming down to the finish line and placed fifth but had to have ‘a moment’ to the side of the track before making it to the recorders desk. No pain, no gain he maintains! Lisa Carroll in sixth place was heard to say “thank goodness I only had to do two laps” but loved that it was “a true cross country course”.
Long course was taken out by Michael Duncan in 47:19. Scott Martin was second in 36:40 and Richard Bosdyk was third in 46:46. Once again Robin Vonk in fifth place, was the fastest across this distance clocking 34:08. Dean Bryce took the points for the win in Division 2 followed by Sky Martin then Sue Strand who said the course left no room for just tuning out but was grateful for the views and the “awesome downhill finish”.
The introduction of this course was a positive one and we look forward to adding this new venue to our running calendar.