Another hot afternoon greeted the Road Runners last Saturday (I guess you have to expect that when you run in the warmer months). For the enthusiastic crowd that gathered (27 of them), the hot weather isn’t a problem – just something else to complain about, along with their handicap! At Erowal Bay, runners are always on the lookout for Kangaroo’s. This week was no exception and several large ones watched us all go by.
Doug Jeffrey put his generous handicap to use and took out line honours. Linda Clarke ran another consistent race to gain 2nd place and Zahra Wells seem to finally be over the cold she’s been carrying around for weeks to take 3rd.
Dimi Havadjia seems to be coming back into form (or was it the 3 weeks off?) Rob Wood finished in the middle of the pack but is someone to watch out for. Brad Sawyer once again weaved his way through the crowd after starting as the back marker
Next week we will be at Cambewarra. Bring your party hats for the birthday cake as it’s Ava’s, Lisa and Malachy’s birthdays.