Round 8 was held last Wednesday night with another small but dedicated contingent of athletes.
Andrew Rodda continued to display his good form on the track, sprinting to 1st place in both the 80m and 200m events.
Paul Musgrove was back in the area again, practicing his sprinting skills, and finished second behind Andrew in both races.
Alan Hughes and Tim Musson also ran well in the mens sprints.
Kevin Norwood made his debut of the season on the track in the 80m sprint. Slightly unprepared, Kevin borrowed a belt – to ensure no clothing malfunction during the race- and ran barefoot, dodging bindies, to claim 5th place. Hopefully Kevin will be back next week with shoes and shorts organised!
In the A grade men’s it was Zac Havadjia who took out the two sprints of the night, followed by Emerson Brian. Jordan deVries took 3rd in the 80m whilst Cameron Musgrove finished 3rd in the 200m.
In the B grade Alistair Clark sprinted past the line first in the 200m with Keeghan Norwood second and Cameron Bowers third.
In the women’s it was a double trifecta with Zoe Chater, Sarah deVries and Lynda Douglas claiming 1st, 2nd and third in both the 80m and 200m.
The young ones continued their good running on the track. Kyra McKinnon, Eva Lilly and Eilish Norwood all featured in the top 3 places in their races. Joseph Piert, Lucas Johnson and Jake Babian also ran well. As did Callula Norwood, Charlie Braddick, Zoe Musson and James Babian.
In the 800m there was some great competitive running from Cameron Musgrove and Jake Myors at the front of the pack, with both athletes showing strong form. Cameron claimed 1st place, followed by Jake, Zac Havadjia was third and Bradley Sawyers was 4th.
In the younger race it was Matthew Higham who ran hard all the way to take out 1st place, and next was Jake Babian with Joseph Piert third.
In the field attempting to jump to new heights in the high jump was Brock Nichols, Jordan deVries, Corey McConville, Brin McKinon and Callum Johnson. These jumpers test their capabilities again and again, pushing themselves for personal improvements. Their perseverance and enthusiasm is admirable.
Jordan and Brock also pushed themselves in triple jump, both athletes jumping to over 10 metres. Corey McConville triple jumped to 8.77metres whilst Ethan Havadjia, who is relatively new to triple jumping managed to jump 6.77metres.
At the discus net it was great to see Chris Johnson make an appearance and give the discus a hurl. Andrew Havadjia, Geoff Crook, Mason Keane, Scott Martin and Tim Musson also showed some great throwing techniques.
Athletes are reminded that the Shoalhaven track was aerated and fertilised at the end of last week so to get the best out of the work the Club has committed to be off the running track until Monday the 24th November. However the Club will run a fields events only evening on Wednesday the 19th November so for all those wanting some throwing or jumping practice, come along and enjoy the revised program of events.