Age: 47 –
Occupation: Accountant
Years with Nowra Athletics Club: A Few
Why are you involved with the Club?: Children competing and I used to compete as a Youth.
Favourite Athletic Event/Distance: High Jump
What is Your Most Memorable Athletic Moment in History (either your own or someone you admire): My son winning State Gold and National Silver and Bronze in Decathlon.
Other Sports you are involved with: Volleyball (35 yrs)
Your Proudest Personal Sporting Achievement: 5 National volleyball titles
Favourite Athlete/Sporting team: Wallbies (so sad!)
When You Were Growing Up What Did You Want To Be? Scientist
Most Treasured Possession/s: My Motorbike
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? Japan Skiing
Favourite food: Pizza
Are you a morning or a night person? Midday
Describe yourself in just 3 words: Renovators Dream ?