Age: 52 –
Occupation: Public Servant
Years with Nowra Athletics Club: 20 years.
Why are you involved with the Club?: I love to run.
Favourite Athletic Event/Distance: Long distance.
What is Your Most Memorable Athletic Moment in History (either you’re own or someone you admire): Turia Pitt completing her first ironwoman.
Other Sports you are involved with: none
Your Proudest Personal Sporting Achievement: Completing my first King of the Mountain.
When You Were Growing Up What Did You Want To Be? Join the air force.
Most Treasured Possession/s: My wedding ring
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go where my family was – that makes me happy.
Favourite food: Chocolate
Are you a morning or a night person? I like to stay up late reading but prefer to get up early to exercise.
Describe yourself in just 3 words. outspoken, loyal, family.