Nowra Athletics held cross country at Longreach on Saturday 11th August. There were no points on offer this week so numbers were considerably lower than previous weeks but the true enthusiasts were there!
In the 1 km, there were just 4 contenders with Heidi McLaren coming in first in 8.18 minutes. Aiden McLaren was second in 8.45 followed by Cailyn Burbage and Malachy Martin.
In the 2km Thomas Duncan was first home from 5 runners in 9.22 minutes with Emily McLaren second and Will Anderson third. Fourth was Noah Dyball and fifth was Layla Burbage.
The 3km event had just 5 competitors also. Will Dyball set a cracking pace from Go and took an easy lead. The next positions were hard fought for with the 3 boys pushing each other the whole way. It was Toby Dyball who ended up taking second with Luke Cournane third and Hamish McLaren fourth. The only female and adult runner was yours truly (aka Darlene Musgrove) bringing up the rear. Slow and steady did not win the race but she finished it!
The field in Medium course numbered just 6. First across the finish line was Lucas Johnson. Showing great strength and speed was Ella Dyball in second. Andrew Havadjia crossed third with Casey Johnson fourth, Paul Jennings fifth and Graham Smith sixth.
Long course winner was Scott Martin in front of Perry Strand and Scott Johnson. Richard Bosdyk ran well to finish fourth and Dean Bryce was fifth. Next was Peter Khourey followed by Steve McCullagh. Natasha Toms and Sky Martin, having given themselves a head start with no handicaps on offer this week, finished eighth and ninth.
Next week cross country will be at Timberhills. We look forward to seeing everyone there!