Cross Country was held at Willandra on Saturday 14th July.
In the 1km visitor, Aiden Morton was first across the line. Local runner Aiden McLaren was second and Calin Burbage was third.
In the 2km event, Elijah Jennings took line honours. Thomas Duncan was second and Anna Duncan was third. In Division 2 Katie Martin was first home in front of Noah Dyball and Layla Burbage.
The 3km event saw Mercy Nathanael claim victory with Will Dyball running in second and Toby Dyball not far behind in third. Meanwhile, Division 2 had just one competitor and Darcy Arnold was the smiling winner.
There were ten participants in Medium course Division 1 and this week Darren Morris was the first home followed by Ella Dyball and Cristine Suffolk. Division 2 was represented by four athletes with Geoff Crook running in first followed by yet another Dyball, this time Gavin, then Phil Duncan and Paul Jennings. Whilst in Division 3 we welcomed Di Court back to both Timberhills and the winning circle. Committee members John Price and Terry Bailey ran in second and third respectively and Alex Arnold and Donna Johnson rounded out the Division.
The long course saw young Jeremy Head take the win in front of Peter Khourey and Scott Martin. Division 2 was claimed by Darrin Smith with Michael Duncan second and Natasha Toms third.
Next week cross country will be at Willandra again. This is different to the original program so please note the change of venue. We will then return to Timberhills on 28th July and 4th August.