The Timberhills mixed relays were a fun event for all.
Mixing the distances and abilities of athletes proved to be great for building team spirit and camaraderie. The first runner ran 1km whilst the next three runners completed 3kms each of the Timberhills course, urged on by their fellow team mates and spectators.
First team to finish was made up of Noah Dyball, Max Hazell, Gavin Dyball and Brad Sawyers who finished in 46:47 minutes.
Next team was William Dyball, Toby Dyball, Megan Fitt and Matt Khourey in 47.30 minutes.
Coming in third was the team of Levi Wallis, Crissy Suffolk, Eva Moeller-Duhme and Scott Martin who crossed in 49.04 minutes.
Running in runners-up in fourth position was Emily McLaren, Angela Urquhart, Lucas Johnson and Rebecca Cooper in 49:25 minutes.
Our fifth team was led off by young Kate Leung followed by Rommy Hazell, and Paul Duncan and then Ming Leung brought it home in a combined time of 49.34 minutes.
Sixth was Heidi McLaren, Zac Peters, Kyra Florance and Darrin Smith in 50.45 minutes.
Seventh was the combined efforts of Hamish McLaren, Harriett Urquahart, Graham Smith and Scott Johnson in 52.02 minutes.
In eighth position wasKatie Martin, Ella Dyball, Di Court and Bill Broughton in 54.08 minutes.
Finishing ninth was the team of Aidan McLaren, Jasper Leung, Kieran Harrison and Erich Moeller-Duhme in 54.55 minutes.
Rounding out the top ten was Cameron Harrison, Tennille Wallis, Donna Johnson and Richard Bosdyk in 56.04 minutes.
Congratulations to all the athletes who participated and showed great sportsmanship in the true tradition of Nowra Athletics Club; a family friendly club.