The 2017 NSW Relay Championships have held at SOPAC on the weekend of 4th and 5th November.
Nowra Athletics Club entered just a handful of male teams this year but the boys had some great success and did the Club proud.
Cooper Thomson, Lachlan Kaszonyi, Blake Hartnett and Sam Taylor competed on the track in the U18 4 x 400m and 4 x 200m relays finishing 7th in both events. They then also ran in the U20 4 x 100m finishing 5th. Considering that Blake Hartnett replaced an injured Emerson Brian and the young boys competed against much older competitors they did extremely well.
In the field on Saturday Cooper Thomson, Siwa Harvey-Aziz, Blake Hartnett and Sam Taylor competed in the U18 discus and shot and came away with two silver medals. Ron Cox coached the boys on the day and said that he thinks it might be the first time Nowra has ever entered a boys throwing team. What a great result!
On Sunday sprinter Lachlan Kaszonyi stepped into the throwing team instead of Siwa and the team placed 4th in the U18 javelin. Sam speared 46.02m, Cooper 42.01m, Blake 33.28m and Lachlan 18.97m.
The boys also were unlucky to fall short of a medal in the U18 long jump with Lachlan Kaszonyi, unfortunately, recording three fouls. Sam Taylor jumped 6.15m, the third biggest jump on the day behind athletes from Trinity and Nepean. Cooper Thomson landed 5.90m and Blake Hartnett jumped 5.27m for a combined total of 17.32m.
Congratulations to our athletes and big thanks to Ron Cox and Mel Mustapic for organising and coaching over the weekend.
Next year it would be great to see more teams of all ages competing so if you are interested be sure to talk to the committee!
2017 NSW Relay Championships 4.11.17-5.11.17
Men 4 x 400m U18 7th 3.41.35
Cooper Thomson
Lachlan Kaszonyi
Blake Hartnett
Sam Taylor
Men Discus throw U18 2nd 138.01m
Cooper Thomson 36.54m
Siwa Harvey-Aziz 45.50m
Blake Hartnett 27.98m
Sam Taylor 27.99m
Men Shot Put U18 2nd 40.02m
Cooper Thomson 10.53m
Siwa Harvey-Aziz 10.63m
Blake Hartnett 8.69m
Sam Taylor 10.17m
Men 4 x 100m U20 5th 46.69
Cooper Thomson
Lachlan Kaszonyi
Blake Hartnett
Sam Taylor
Men 4 x 200m U18 7th 1.37.50
Cooper Thomson
Lachlan Kaszonyi
Blake Hartnett
Sam Taylor
Men Javelin Throw U18 4th 140.28m
Cooper Thomson 42.01m
Lachlan Kaszonyi 18.97
Blake Hartnett 33.28m
Sam Taylor 46.02m
Men long jump U18 7th 17.32m
Cooper Thomson 5.90m
Lachlan Kaszonyi x
Blake Hartnett 5.27m
Sam Taylor 6.15m