Nowra Athletics resumed track and field competition last Wednesday after the Christmas New Year period. Whilst many were still obviously enjoying the holiday season a small but dedicated few enjoyed the track and field events on offer.
In the junior female sprints, Emily McLaren, Akala and Talea Miller and Laila and Allie Moffatt all ran well. In the boy’s events, the Baxter boys Cameron, Oliver and Harrison ran with trademark enthusiasm. Liam Johnstone, Hamish McLaren, Harry Thomson and Brody and Lachlan Woods also ran with great determination and confidence. Young Malachy Martin competed in both the 60m and 100m, with dad’s help, too much clapping and cheering as he crossed the finish line.
In the senior sprints, Emerson Brian won both the 60m and 100m. Cooper Thomson ran in second in both races and Paul Musgrove crossed third.
In the junior 1500m, Harrison Baxter was the winner with Oliver Baxter second and Emily McLaren was third whilst in the senior race, it was Scott Martin who took line honours with Peter Dooley second and Marcus Baxter third.
In the field Harrison Baxter jumped the highest at 1.08 metres in high jump. Liam Johnstone jumped 1 metre, Cameron Baxter cleared 95 cm and Oliver Baxter jumped 90cm. However, in the long jump pit, Paul Musgrove was the sole competitor and jumped 4.44 metres.
Also in the field the juniors enjoyed shot put and discus and the seniors speared some javelin.
Track and Field will continue next Wednesday night from 6pm.
Athletes are reminded that NSW Country Championships will be held in Wollongong over the Australia Day weekend. Everyone is encouraged to enter with entries closing on 22nd January. Country Champs are a great opportunity for fun competing against other Country Clubs. The more Nowra athletes that compete the merrier! Please come along on Wednesday to grab your new uniform for Country.