If you read the News article on Athletics NSW website the headline goes; “History made at XC Relays for Bankstown, UTS Norths and Run Crew…Thrilling races in the open men’s and women’s races highlighted a great day of history making results… Never before at the event had Bankstown won the men’s race or UTS Norths …
Timberhills round 25.5.19
Whilst many of the Club members travelled to Miranda on Saturday 25th May to compete in the State Relays, there were still plenty of enthusiastic contenders completing the local cross country course at Timberhills. In the 1km event there were 3 mighty participants with Malachy Martin taking line honours In front of Rowan Brignall and …
Round 6 at Hollyhills 18.5.19
Round 6 of cross country was held at Hollyhills on 18th May. First home in the 1km event was Rowan Brignall followed by Evie Smart then Hannah Vonk, Dean Osgood and Malachy Martin. The 2km event was taken out by Harry Thomson in front of Samuel Vonk and Trae Yenne. Meanwhile Division 2 honours went …
John Morris awarded Official of the Year at 2019 ANSW Awards
“On Saturday 11th May at the 2019 Athletics NSW Annual Awards over 180 people celebrated a great year of athletics which commenced at the Commonwealth Games in April. Recognised were officials, volunteers, coaches, clubs and of course the athletes who made it a year to remember. No surprise athletes of the year were Commonwealth Games …
John Morris awarded Official of the Year at 2019 ANSW AwardsRead More
Round 5 at Longreach 11.5.19
Cross Country on 11th May was at Longreach for Round 5. In the 1km event there were 6 participants and it was Finn Goddard who led the charge home. He was followed by Rowan Brignall, then Josie Sproule, Malachy Martin, Winter Bell and Aiden McLaren. In the 2km Cameron Baxter was both first home and …

Special Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2019 Special Award Winners: John Morris Encouragement Award – Will Anderson The John Morris Junior Encouragement Award is awarded for a junior Club member 15 years of age or under competing in Cross country in the 2 or 3km distance. This is for a Club member who competes regularly, tries hard and …
59th Annual Report 2018-2019
Presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Club 4th May 2019. PDF COPY – Committee – Scott Johnson President Lisa Carroll Secretary Steven Thomson Treasurer Terry Bailey Vice president Darlene Musgrove Melinda Mustapic John Price Perry Strand Sue Strand Life Members {Deceased} Mrs. L. McMillan,{N. Carradus, J.F. McCaffrey , Mrs. D. Baker, R. O’Brien}, …