Round 5 of Nowra Track & Field was held at Shoalhaven High School on Wednesday October 26th. It was a record breaking round with 8 new records set! In the 60metres Steven Schott set a new record in the 40-49 years group with a sprint of 7.6 seconds. Steven then backed this effort up with …
2016 2XU NSW All Schools 13-16 October
The 2016 2XU NSW All Schools took place last week at Sydney Olympic Park’s Athletic Centre. There were impressive performances over the 4 days across the track and field from our young local athletes. Despite the weather challenges over the 4 days with swirling winds, the athletes competed well, battling it out against the best …
More records broken in Round 4 of Track & Field 19.10.16
Nowra athletics conducted Round 4 of the Track & Field Competition last Wednesday October 19th and more records were broken! Hollie Spence broke a 23 year old long jump record in the 20-29 years age group when she jumped 4.64 metres. Hollie was last a member of the club as a young teenager and has …
More records broken in Round 4 of Track & Field 19.10.16Read More
Round 3 Track & Field 12.10.16
Round 3 of Nowra Athletics Track & Field competition was conducted last Wednesday evening. There was a high attendance, particularly of junior athletes who kept the starter and timekeepers busy on the track. Taylor Moffat, Hayley Lewis, Kimberley Hallam and Emily Burinaga ran well in C grade. In D grade girls Jessie Moffat, Ruby Pearce, …
Round 2 Track & Field 5.10.16
With school holidays and terrible windy weather the numbers were low at Nowra Athletics Track & Field last Wednesday. However that didn’t deter the athletes in attendance from giving their all. Noah Dyball, Evie Smart and Dean Osgood were the youngest competitors on the night sprinting with great enthusiasm. Rommey Hazell, Emily Burinaga, Zarlie Dyball …