Another hot afternoon greeted the Road Runners on Friday evening. Fortunately, the temperature had dropped to a reasonable 24 or 25 and for some; the heat didn’t impair their running enthusiasm. This is always a hot course and not even the head wind as we ran along the river could offer any relief. It has …
Summer Road Run – Vincentia 7th November 2014
Vincentia was the meeting place for this week’s summer road runs. Fortunately the temperature had dropped into the low 20’s by the time the first runner was off. It was only a small group that gathered this week but that didn’t mean it was any less competitive. When chocolate is involved, friendships take a back …
Track and Field Round 8
Round 8 was held last Wednesday night with another small but dedicated contingent of athletes. Andrew Rodda continued to display his good form on the track, sprinting to 1st place in both the 80m and 200m events. Paul Musgrove was back in the area again, practicing his sprinting skills, and finished second behind Andrew in …