The AGM is next Saturday at Illaroo Road Public School at 7pm It will only take about 20 minutes before the presentation gets underway. If you are fortunate to receive a trophy but can’t make it, please let Jan or someone on the committee know. Bring a plate to share for supper. The more members, …

Cross Country – Willandra 12.04.2014
As the rain continued to fall on Saturday, numbers were slightly down for Round 2 of the Winter cross country series, many obviously deterred by the wet weather. However Peter Dooley’s opening address on Saturday afternoon was “We run in all weather…this is perfect conditions for cross country running!” …
Cross Country – Willandra – 5.04.2014
Welcome to everyone who is returning for the Cross Country season and to all our new members. This week it was a scratch start. For those of you who don’t know better, if you had a good run and made decent time around the deceptively hard picturesque course of Willandra, then be warned, next week …